


Primary Color (Main brand color):

  • Hex: #4AB9D6
  • This vibrant turquoise blue, taken from the scales and body of the hybrid creature, is bright, friendly, and eye-catching. It’s ideal for prominent elements like headers, buttons, or backgrounds.

Secondary Color (Accents and highlights):

  • Hex: #FFD966
  • This soft, glowing gold hue complements the unicorn horn’s glow. It can be used for accents, hover states, or icons to bring warmth and contrast.

Tertiary Color (Support and balance):

  • Hex: #A1D69B
  • This fresh seafoam green comes from the gradients on the tail fins. It provides a calming, natural feel and works well for subtler design elements like borders, backgrounds, or less prominent text.

Foreground Color (Dark, high contrast for readability):

  • Hex: #0F2C35
  • This deep, nearly black teal provides excellent contrast against lighter background colors while still feeling connected to the oceanic theme. It works well for body text, headings, or any important foreground elements.

Background Color (Light, for contrast with dark text):

  • Hex: #EAF4F8
  • A very light, soft aqua shade that aligns with the sea-inspired palette while being light enough to serve as a background color. It provides a clean and airy backdrop for dark text or icons.